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Sezione dedicata ai parco italiano del gruppo Parques Reunidos: Mirabilandia
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Messaggio Da Luk 8
#289570 Ma poi cioé....La navetta gratis non era un lusso,era solo un giusto servizio per portarti al parco...Di male in peggio...
Messaggio Da imiha
#290484 Hello again!

I'm wondering about that "One Click" of yours, not that I want to try it, but I'm interested in it anyway.

I saw that picture: Immagine in subforum, that states this is one click. My question is if system recognise that as "down enough" for the light to turn green, if there even is this type of system on towers. Anyway, can you actually ride the attraction with harness being as it is on the picture (if controller person doesn't check you)?

What about other rides as Katun, iSpeed and new Divertical? What kind of systems do they use for checking the harness? I know that katun is clicking one as it is on columbia and discovery, and that iSpeed and Divertical are nonclicking, pure hydraulics.

Thank you for ansfers!
Messaggio Da baba
#290485 HAHAHAHAHHA it's me!
Yes, the system recognize if all harness al locked! It's easy for me to do "oneclick" because i'm fat :mrgreen:
There are some tricks that you can use to avoid cast member pull down the harness :twisted:
Ride columbia in "oneclick" is very very funny! This year i'll come back to mirabilandia and i'll try again "oneclick" :lol:
This is a little tutorial from theparks's youtube channel that explain the way to do "oneclick" on rollercoaster!

Lesson two!
Messaggio Da imiha
#290490 Haha, I watched those videos! :twisted:
But how did you manage to go on columbia with one click, there is plenty of room for the harness to go down, and controlers didn't notice that? :o :) :twisted:
Can you tell me if you can do that on katun, did you tried?
What about ispeed or divertical, how do you know where the harness is in the position OK, when there is no click?

Also, if anyone knows more technicall way to explain systems that are on rides in Mirabilandia?
Messaggio Da baba
imiha ha scritto:Haha, I watched those videos! :twisted:
But how did you manage to go on columbia with one click, there is plenty of room for the harness to go down, and controlers didn't notice that? :o :) :twisted:
Can you tell me if you can do that on katun, did you tried?
What about ispeed or divertical, how do you know where the harness is in the position OK, when there is no click?

Also, if anyone knows more technicall way to explain systems that are on rides in Mirabilandia?

Well.... i'll try to block the harness with my stomach and sit forward. Same cast member noticed it, other not :) The control room see that the system is ok, so...... ENJOY YOUR RIDE!
Yes i did the same thing on Katun! On iSpeed i can't remember very well but i think so :)

On iSpeed there are no click but there is a sensor that say if the harness is lock or not. For example in Raptor (Gardaland) there is a led between the two seats
Messaggio Da imiha
#290495 Ok now I want to try this hahaha! :roll:

Did you have much room on the katun - where is first click on katun? It sounds fun, my belly looks somewhat like yours so we have advantage I guess! :lol: So is there plenty of room for one click for us, beer bellys, hehe? :twisted:

I know that most coasters like this have LEDs, but I don't remember seeing them on iSpeed, maybe I just didn't notice.

Can't wait to visit Mirabilandia, this saturday, nervous allready. :lol:
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Messaggio Da eddyufo77
#290532 Ragazzi, vi chiedo un paio di informazioni...
1- Arrivando da Venezia, esistono strade alternative per evitare un po' di traffico? Io farei la cd. strada "Romea"...
2- Il parcheggio... Esistono alternative free a quello a pagamento???
Grazie in anticipo!!!
Messaggio Da baba
imiha ha scritto:Ok now I want to try this hahaha! :roll:

Did you have much room on the katun - where is first click on katun?

Not su much :) I think columbia is the best mirabilandia's attraction for oneclick! But remeber, i'm oversize ;)
Messaggio Da imiha
#290543 Hahah, I think I'm gonny try! About Katun, you don't have so much room on katun as you have on columbia, but is it still possible to have some clicks between first click and the click that is closest to you (the right position), so are men like us able to get past one click or is oneclick the default for us, hahha, if you understand what I mean? If we have any room past the first click, so better airtime is still possible, thats what I'm wondering.
Thank you for answers, and informing me about that, I'm definitely gonna try this.
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Messaggio Da matt1
#290571 Nooooo! adesso si discute su come fregare il sistema per avere la protezione meno stretta FANTASTICI non ci avrei mai pensato :D

baba ha scritto:For example in Raptor (Gardaland) there is a led between the two seats

Davvero sul raptor ci sono i led che indicano se la protezione è allacciata? Non gli avevo mai visti
Messaggio Da baba
matt1 ha scritto:Nooooo! adesso si discute su come fregare il sistema per avere la protezione meno stretta FANTASTICI non ci avrei mai pensato :D

baba ha scritto:For example in Raptor (Gardaland) there is a led between the two seats

Davvero sul raptor ci sono i led che indicano se la protezione è allacciata? Non gli avevo mai visti

Beh l'importante è essere in sicurezza, quindi se il sistema rileva che le protezioni sono correttamente chiuse non ci sono problemi.
Su Raptor si. Me ne sono accorto la prima volta che sono andato di sera: quando il cast member chiudeva le protezioni della fila davanti la mia aveva il riflesso dei led sulla maglietta
Messaggio Da Diego-S
eddyufo77 ha scritto:Ragazzi, vi chiedo un paio di informazioni...
1- Arrivando da Venezia, esistono strade alternative per evitare un po' di traffico? Io farei la cd. strada "Romea"...
2- Il parcheggio... Esistono alternative free a quello a pagamento???
Grazie in anticipo!!!

Alternative ci sono ma rischi di metterci più tempo.....

le possibilità sono queste:

1) eviti completamente la Romea e sali per Padova: in sostanza fai l'A4 fino a Padova, passi sull'A13 ed esci a Ferrara SUD. Da questo punto segui per Argenta/Alfonsine/Ravenna, e ti ritrovi davanti al parco. Se il traffico in Romea è abbastanza intasato e contando che i limiti di velocità non si sgarrano (giusto per farti un idea, 4 autovelox in 20km tra Rosolina e Mesola più Tutor tra Volano e Porto Garibaldi) dovresti riuscire a guadagnare un po' di tempo, anche se hai un 50 km in più da fare.

2) Romea fino Mesola, dopo Mesola segui per Volano e fai la strada panoramica dei Lidi (passando - tra l'altro) davanti ai ruderi del Jo Lido, un vecchio parco acquatico abbandonato - fino a Porto Garibaldi, dove rientrerai in Romea:

Se non trovi casino causa mare (la gente del posto raggiunge i lidi ferraresi per quella strada, non per la romea) potresti riuscire a guadagnare un po' di tempo....

Altre alternative, sinceramente, non ne vedo...
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Messaggio Da huels
Diego-S ha scritto:
Alternative ci sono ma rischi di metterci più tempo.....

Per me più che un rischio è una certezza.

La Romea adesso che hanno coperto le buche non è poi così male come strada, a parte i limiti ridicoli
di alcune zone.

Consiglio comunque di partire dal parco dopo le 20:30 per evitare la coda verso Lido di Spina.
Attenzione ai "tutor" da un po' prima di Ravenna in poi.
Messaggio Da Diego-S
#290663 'nsomma... quando ancora vivevo con i miei (vicino a Porto Tolle) la tratta Taglio di Po- Ravenna la facevo in un ora e e qualcosa durante la settimana.... buche o non buche quello è il tempo con l'intasamento da camion che abbiamo.... c'è poco da fare... aggiungici il pezzo fino a mestre e hai due ore e mezza di strada. Facendo VE-PD-Ravenna in due ore ce la fai (PD-Mirabilandia basta un ora e 40)
Messaggio Da imiha
#290703 It was awesome yesterday!
Flashpass is not that bad, it serves well, there were no waiting time more than few minutes, even shorter than at the same time last year, but it could be that it was not so crowded last year.

One thing happened that I was actualy waiting to happen since I started my enthusiasem about thrill rides!
Divertical broked down on the start of the lift, I was sitting with friend in the last row of the boat and our sits didn't get on the platform that moves up. She started panicking, but I just laughed, since the light on sensor was on. But it was hot and very anoying to sit on the sun for the 5-10 minutes, when the coaster crew with some tech team came. There was a boat behind us and people could just step off to the platform when their harnesses were released. But our boat was on the moving platform and there is nothing on one side and a tiny platform on the other where you can not step down - so we had to improvise and go to the front side of the boat to get down.
It was a great experience, but it could be better of we would stuck on the top of lift and went down the stairs, but anyway.
Divertical was down all day long sice that and I didn't noticed it reopen even at night.

One downside was that we could ride it only once - oh the people who waited for few hours to ride it and than they had to leave the queue line.

Flaspass is just as good as vPass, price was 28€.